Stare until the void stares back.

This blog exists purely to put into words the random ideas that float through my mind as I go about my day. No grand theme in mind, just sharing thoughts on art, design, history, culture, as well as nothing in particular.

Expect to hear a lot about design, particularly branding. For better or worse, it shapes most of the world we live in. Essentially, brands are just symbolic representations of our own aspirations and intentions. Sure, some people will roll their eyes, seeing brands as manipulative tools used to push us into buying decisions we never wanted to make. And honestly, there's some truth there. But on the flip side, brands can also do a surprising amount of good, if managed with proper intention. We should probably aim for that, given how easy it is for branding to spiral into the usual sticky mess of profit-driven mediocrity.

Sure, commercial interests rule the world, no shocker there. But it’s authentic creativity that can spark passion and inspire true change. And while the plutocrats keep pushing overpriced material play things, they don’t yet realize that true creativity can’t be bought. It comes from critical thinking, the only real break from their never-ending circularity of “buy, consume, repeat”.

I’ve had this mantra for a few years—stare into the void until it stares back. What that means to say is that good ideas don’t just happen. You’ve got to stare deep into the unknown, into that blank page and let it consume you until something worthwhile appears. In my humble opinion, it’s a metaphor that perfectly captures the creative process.

So, with that, I hope to share with you those ideas that have stared back at me from the void.